Lech L'cha
Lech L’cha
“Go forth on your journey”
The Lech L’cha program is the B’nei Mitzvah program at Temple Beth Am. It is intended to provide an opportunity for students and their families to engage in a personal and meaningful journey in which the milestone of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah becomes a launching pad towards Jewish adulthood.
The 13 Mitzvot
We recommend that each Bar/Bat Mitzvah child complete 13 mitzvot. To arrive at the number 13, students and families are encouraged to participate in a blend of activities both within and outside of Temple Beth Am. Below are guidelines and recommendations for how to complete your 13 mitzvot. Students log their 13 mitzvot and service attendance in their class folders.
My Shabbat:
Come to Shabbat services on Friday night and/or Saturday morning. We recommend a total of 8–10 services within 15 months preceding your celebration. Keep in mind that Saturday morning is a congregational service, and so, all families are welcome to attend. You will be expected to attend one Saturday morning service as an usher for another family (as assigned in your contract). Service attendance is crucial to helping your family feel most prepared and comfortable on the bimah on your special day. Students log service attendance in their class folders.
Bnei Mitzvah Class:
B'nei mitzvah students are invited by the Rabbi around 6-9 months before their B'nei Mitzvah to meet with him on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm. During this class, they work on learning to lead all of the prayers and blessings for the Shabbat service. While these prayers are not new (they have been part of our Hebrew and tefilah curriculum), learning to lead them independently is a new challenge! Students have the opportunity to stand on the bimah, in front of peers, and to practice leading the service.
My Jewish Community:
Celebrate the holidays. Come to junior youth group. Pitch in and lend a hand! Your child has many opportunities to participate in Temple Beth Am life, an important aspect of connection and community.
My World:
Live your Jewish values. Perform tikkun olam. Create and complete a person mitzvah project. This project should be directly related to your child’s interests and passions. It is intended to be a value added, personal and meaningful experience. In some cases, it might be a direct outgrowth of your child’s participation with the TBA community, as outlined above. The selected project may involve fundraising, making a donation or volunteering time. Whatever the project may be, we suggest the child spend anywhere from 10 to 14 hours from start to finish. Although the project is the responsibility of the family and child, it will be discussed with your child in Religious School and the cantor is available to assist you, as well.
Click any of the links below for more information:
Brit B’nei Mitzvah
B'nei Mitzvah Timeline
Oneg information
B’nei Mitzvah Project Resources
B'nei Mitzvah Project Blog
Event Resources